
So far so good!

June 15, 2009 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Checked in on the family several times today and at all times there were 5 peregrines on the rooftop or ledge area.  There was a very exciting game of chase dad around for food in the air and food transfer practice sesssion that I witnessed.  I would guess it was Elena and Perry that were the 2 juvies involved as Mackenzie isn’t quite up to that level yet.  One of the juvies did successfully grab the food from dad’s talons and then flew off and dropped it…dad dove down and caught it before it was lost to the ground!  Amazing how fast the adults can fly…so fast your eye can’t follow it!

Then the juvie got it back and started to fly off around the building losing alititude and I lost sight of him or her - unfortunately I couldn’t tell which one it was as this all happened so was hard to focus with the binoculars so we just watched without them.  Of course we thought..oh no they are heading right for the glass windows..*gulp*!  One minute later all three juveniles were up on the rooftop crying for food and dad was smirking quite victoriously!  No doubt he snagged the food back and the little theif made it back up with no issues!

When I left at 4 pm, all 5 were on the rooftops just hanging out.  Hopefully that’s where I will find them tomorrow morning!  If you are out in the vicinity, keep your eyes peeled for them!