
Sibling rivalry????

June 23, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Jan Chudy Reports:

Today was a fairly routine day - some sightings of adults and juveniles throughout the day.  BUT THEN, at 4:45 a scan turned up a juvenile on the nest ledge - a male but I couldn’t tell which, and a juvenile on the NE corner of the other hotel - could not determine who.  At 4:55 an adult arrived on the ledge, the juvie ran to it, and it promptly took off again.  The juvie stayed put.  Checking the view at 5 p.m.,  I saw a falcon flying low, flappy circles below the Sheraton then climb, still with lots of flapping, to the nest ledge.  The male juvie became VERY agitated.  He was running around, jumping up and down, flapping his wings.  The bird that had arrived went to the edge of the ledge and I could see it was a juvie and based on the size, a female.  I could not see the coloured tape on either bird’s legs.  The male juvie continued to be very agitated and at one point ran up behind the female and gave her a big nudge.  She stayed put!!  The male ran back and forth, jumping up and down, flaring his wings.  The female moved to the back of the ledge.  At which point the male ran to her and jumped up as if to kick box her!!  They separated - about a foot and a half, and unfortunately, I had to leave.  Perhaps Osler is still mad at Sandy for not sharing her late afternoon tid-bit yesterday???  Too many questions, not enough answers.