
Sheraton Watch - Thursday

June 11, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Zoe Berger Reports:

When I got to the site Lilly and Linda were watching the finally found Stormin on the Canada Life Building on the west side of University just north of Queen.  We split up to spread out the watch area and Jan suddenly announced the second fledge.  It was Osler who left the nest and flew to the top of the Hilton - keeping excellent height.  Linda had to leave and I moved to a better position to keep an eye on Osler and Lilly suddenly announced that Stormin had finally taken off - she ran and kept up with him and located him on a low building just east of the Hilton which was quite a distance for Lilly!  So with the two siblings on very close buildings at very different heights, the parents took turns circling trying to get the kids to move.  Probably about 4 hours later Osler took off - and flew east to 120 Adelaide, keeping his height very well.  Jan saw the landing which allowed us to keep track of him.  Shortly after his landing he took off for the nest site and couldn’t quite make it - and ended up doing the dreaded bat thing with parent in encouraging pursuit.  He couldn’t recover and left the building and made a perfect round trip right back to the same NE corner of the Hilton.  When I left around 4 pm he was still there and Lilly was still watching Stormin on the chimney on the low building where he spent the day.  Linda took over the street watch of Osler and Jan was still waiting for Liberty to fledge.  They will update you on the rest!