
!!! Sandy-Links has taken flight.

June 12, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

I arrived on site early this morning  to find the oldest female (Sandy-Links ) had taken flight and was found on the south facing window ledges of the Sheraton Hotel.   Osler was on the north west corner of 120 Adelaide.  Liberty was still in the nest and seemed to be very content to be there by herself. 

I walked around the circuit and could not find Stormin and returned to my position to keep an eye on “window bird”  During my morning shift, Jan called to tell me that Osler had taken off from 120 Adelaide and made his way over to a building east of the hotel. His flight was strong and controlled.

I left the watch with Jan, and Zoe. Lily and Bruce came on shift later.

I returned around dinner time to find out that Stormin had been located by Lily. He was discovered sitting on the Lombard building on Adelaide St.  Good spotting! I call this building the party hat, for it’s unique roof top  architecture.

This evening,

Osler continued to make strong controlled flights within the area of the Sheraton Block. Maintaining his height while flying  over to 390 Bay St, Hilton Hotel and 130 Adelaide. Street.

Not a lot of activity from Liberty, the youngest female. She didn’t seemed to be too concerned about her siblings being away.  Around 8p.m. I checked on her, due to the lack of activity. I found her lying down on the nest ledge with her chin on the metal frame.  The remainder of the evening we saw little change in her activity level, she appeared at the nest ledge a few times.  Bruce reported Food was delivered to her.

Stormin  was fed at this location and later took flight off Lombard Place building around 8:00p.m.and headed west as reported by Bruce and Lily. He came to rest on the south west corner of York and Adelaide Sts.,  east facing ledge. He maintained his height as he came off his previous perch. This is where he will overnight.

Sandy - Links, is the Sheraton named female. She will over night on the window ledges, checking out the guest rooms.