
Pm report - Rain Rain and more Rain!

June 11, 2009 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

Slow is an understatement!!  Very little activity with everyone spending more time catching up on their beauty sleep - than flying around,, - (Except me of course).  All of the beauty sleep in the world is not going to change me.

McKenzie is a little shell shocked and has not shown ANY interest at all in leaving the safety of his nest ledge.  He has refused to leave for a second flight today since his ordeal in the tree experience being harassed by Blue jays, crows and a very aggressive squirrel.     Both mom and dad spent some time with him on the ledge throughout the day in some very tender family moments with each other.  Nice!! Perry on the other hand thinks he is an F-18 jet fighter, and he is a terror!!  Lets hope that he stays away from the building windows, as he is building up speed by the minute and getting very cocky!!  Speed kills!!!  Its true!!

Elena on the other hand, has been holding strong on the upper roof elevation on the retaining wall that surrounds the nest building roof.  Lots of running around the ledge, (all around the building) chasing both her parents screaming for food.  Finally mom gave in and fed her this afternoon a with huge pigeon.  Perry left the company of his sibling on the nest ledge and tried once again to “relieve Elena” of this big prize, but she was having nothing of it and let him it.  After she had stuffed her crop, - (hardly able to stand up), she did let him finish the meal.

6 to 7  PM  and lots of rain.  Elena on the roof getting soaked is not amused, screaming and flapping to shake off the rain.  She is really annoyed !  Perry, McKenzie and mom on the nest ledge high and dry!!  Dad up on the roof with Elena soaked and not looking very happy at all.  Very dark, overcast and cooler with the rain and clouds.

Stay tuned…….