
Ottawa ledge Watch - Day 5 and 6

June 12, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Volunteer Reports:

I was not downtown yesterday, I am doing both days in this posting.

From time to time we can hear the little ones calling and calling every time they see a parent, to let them know they are hungry!!!!!  It is fun to see new volunteers as they suddenly realize what a calling chicklet sounds like, and that they can hear this over the dulcet tones of rush hour traffic!
Our volunteers have been treated to a superb display of Connor chasing a pigeon in and around all the buildings in this area, eventually joined in this effort by Diana.  Although they had to call it off (pigeon 1, peregrines 0), Diana did shortly after produce breakfast for her chicklets.  1 chicklet has been seen up on the ledge  with occasional wing-flapping.  It has also been seen at times simply sitting and taking in lots of new sights and sounds, its little head bobbing and turning from side to side, up and down.  It is so cute doing this.  We hope its sibling joins it up there soon.
We can hear both calling and are getting anxious to see both, especially to see what genders we might have.  I hope they take their time with fledging as they have heavy bodies to keep up in the air!
Paul Leger and Jorgen Rasmussen have recently taken photos for our album.  Thank you, both.
I am sure Connor was a little upset tonight.  He dislikes hot air balloons.  We had a few pass overhead this evening.
Cheers, Eve