
Ottawa Fledge Watch Day 8

June 14, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

As I arrived downtown shortly before 9 this morning, Danielle greeted me, very excited to share her news.  No, no flights yet.  But she had her first look at Diana feeding our boldest chicklet right out on the ledge!  It is very moving to see such a fierce predator being so gentle with her chicklets.  After feeding the first one, she leaned over and fed the other one.

Our next bit of excitement was shortly after noon when a 2nd face appeared while we saw the first one further along!  I had gone up to the 21st floor with someone who works up there and looked in vain for a glimpse of the 2nd one.  Nap time!  Once we had seen it, we only got glimpses of wings flapping later on, but at least we know that it is ok now.  A big relief……..
Brian had a heart-stopping moment this afternoon.  Everyone has one here.  Our bold little falcon was out on the ledge when it decided to do some vigorous wing-flapping.  That’s ok.  But it was only holding on with a couple of talons, right out on the edge with its tail hanging out!  Everything was fine in the end, still no flying.
We spent the rest of the evening looking upwards, wondering if this would be the moment.  Chris and Marie were ready to run,  I hope they still are tomorrow and the next day, and the next…….  Our bold one is ready any time.  He just needs to let go.

We cannot be sure of gender without having a closer look, having both side by side eachother or a parent.  But we can make educated guesses based on behaviour and things we see and don’t see.  Therefore we think we have a male and a female.  Perhaps we’ll confirm this if they ever need rescuing. At any rate, we have given them gender-neutral names.
Our male is now known as Tailer since we have spent a long time today seeing much of his tail, both when he hangs it out over the ledge and when he flops down to sleep on the ledge leaving it sticking it out.
Our female will be known as Nihei ( pronounced ni-hay), to honour Kathy Nihei who started the Wild Bird Care Centre and who gave us support and assistance with our Peregrines when needed.

Eve Ticknor