
Ottawa Fledge watch - day 14

June 20, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

I wonder sometimes just how much time we have put in staring at a building just in case a chicklet shows itself……  If you had asked me that 13 years ago, when I became involved with this venture, I would have said not much time.  Now I know different!

This morning Tailer was still on the west side of the hotel and Nihei was still on the east side.  Food drops today were small in size.  Unfortunately Connor and Diana haven’t worked this out as Horizon had.  Withhold food to get more activity.  Just when we thought Nihei was ready to fly, Connor would show up with another snack, and Diana never stopped him.  Frustrating for the watchers……
In the middle of the afternoon, some of us were suddenly on the run after Nihei as she flew in a southwesterly direction, only to find out it was Diana flying and Nihei was still in her spot!  Many times in the past years, we have been fooled like this, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Early this evening there was some enticement flying by the adults, trying to stimulate Nihei into her first flight, to no avail.
We realized we had not seen Tailer in some time on the west ledge, so we started to search.  He was found to be on top of the hotel.  His poor distressed mother was looking around for him, not realizing he was right above her!  A little while later, he left the Crowne and tried to get up on Tower C, but missed and bumped a window, tumbling a few feet down before recovering and trying to get back to the west ledge, missing that and flying east, to be found on a ledge on the west side of the Ottawa Marriott Hotel.  He immediately flopped onto his belly and went to sleep.  He was there when we left.  Meanwhile Diana showed up with food for Nihei who attacked her.  We think it was another small snack as she was up on the ledge rather quickly.  She continues to beg for food every time she sees a parent.
I hope she does not get fed so often tomorrow, and that she will finally take her first flight.

Eve Ticknor