
Ottawa fledge watch day 12

June 18, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Tailer decided to stay home today, although several times he looked as if he was going to fly again.  It is not unusual for a chicklet to rest a few hours or a few days before flying again.  Food drops were scarce as well.  Both chicklets were seen together off and on all day.  They went to the northeast corner, where some wing-flapping was seen.

By evening both were back at the southeast corner. At one point they were side by side near the string that hangs down from the roof about 1/2 way along the ledge, Tailer in his usual pose and Nihei with her face turned outward.  We have had the opportunity to see more of her, and we do believe we have a female.  Although neither chicklet would sit up side by side, we have seen them together, from the shoulders up and she is bulkier than he is.  She has not yet sat with her tail out and hanging down as her brother does.  Maybe tomorrow.
The adults were not as active today, possibly due to the light rain that arrived part way through the day.  They did fly around the Crowne occasionally.  Connor was seen fleeing from the inside of the ledge, probably having checked out the possibility of leftovers.  Nihei took exception to this as she determined she was starving and let everyone know all evening.  Diana was on Tower 2, which crew both chicklets to the southeast corner.  As we left, we still heard loud persistent calling, volume stepped up at times.  How can  Diana and Connor ignore that?

Eve Ticknor