
Ottawa fledge watch day 10

June 16, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

After a quiet morning, Tailer finally let go and flew.  He didn’t go far, but he did stay up high.  He is now on the top of Constitution Square Tower 1.  His parents are nearby and brought him something to snack on.  Nihei stayed home and is rather quiet, adding to the feeling we have a female.  We have yet to see her whole self on the ledge.  Tailer spent some of his time exploring the edges of his new world, running along each part of the ledge, stopping to check on the whereabouts of a parent, then running again, and then back again.

Chris and I went up to the Penthouse of the Crowne Plaza Hotel and had a good look at him from a banquet room.  We took a few photos and left, to continue watching from the sidewalk, just in case he decided to fly again.

Eve Ticknor