
Ottawa fedge watch - day 11. Fledgling down! Fledgling banded.

June 17, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

It is amazing that we have put 10 days under our belts already.  So many sore necks will attest to that.  How many of you have spent 4 hours at a time staring up at a ledge on the 25th story level?  Some of us have.

Tailer was still on the Constitution Square, Tower 1 this morning.  He spent  lots of time up there, exploring the edges, going back and forth.  Nihei was seen briefly on the ledge, but still not the whole body.
Around 1pm, Diana and Connor had been flying around, trying to get Tailer flying again. It worked.  He tried to fly to the hotel ledge, but couldn’t do it, so returned to Tower 1.  Then he tried to fly over to the top of Tower 2 ( higher than Tower 1 ) but missed and started to tumble down.  Anuok watched as he fell.  Then he stuck out his wings and caught himself.  He leveled out around 30 feet, and crossed over Albert St, heading into the outdoor eating area below Tower B of Place de Ville.   He landed on the patio, and made his way back to a corner with a glass window.  There he was expertly picked up by our Liz Greene and popped into our rescue box where he waited for Bill Petrie to come band him. We thank Lisa Hill and Donna Morgan-Linde for coming to help! Once Bill had finished, he, with Liz and Anouk took Tailer back up to his home ledge.  There he stayed for the rest of today.  For those interested,  he weighed 614 gms.  His black band has 02 over Y in white lettering.
And now for Nihei.  She was seen a little only once in a while, and heard calling.  Later on we did see her at the northern end.  We saw wing-flapping once in a while.  Then we did see more of her, from below the crop up.  One volunteer thought we were looking at Diana as she seemed big.  We should see more of her over the next few days and soon she will also be trying out her wings.  Let’s hope Kathy will give her namesake good luck!

Eve Ticknor