
Maple Takes Flight – Truss Learns a New Lesson

June 20, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Another terrible day at the Lift Bridge —- Rain, rain and then more rain. 

Throughout the afternoon, Truss made great strides in her flying ability.  She was here, there and everywhere.  Gaining great height and making great landings.  Cirrus decided that it was time to teach her daughter a new lesson.  Truss was sitting on the cables close to the Burlington Tower and Cirrus got her attention with a juicy fresh pigeon.  Cirrus circled her several times with the prey and then landed on the cables next to Truss and passed the meal over to her.  It was quite a balancing act for Truss with pigeon in one talon and balancing with the other.  She just didn’t know what to do.  Mom took off and circled around her and then landed on the closest picnic table.  Next thing we knew, Truss was in the air and carried her prey in talons to the picnic table and enjoyed her meal.  Truss had passed Lesson 1 with flying colors.

Now on to Maple.   At 5:04pm, just as we arrived back from a quick bite to eat and a warm up, Maple left the nest box.  She flew with great height to the roof of the Hamilton Tower.  She quickly flew off again, did a circle and then landed again.  Cirrus escorted her on the maiden flight and then she carried on to the Hamilton Hydro Tower to keep watch.  At 5:15pm, Sir flew into the nest box with a small food package and got the surprise of his life when he found no one there.  Cirrus didn’t waste any time getting to the box.  She grabbed the food from him and she immediately distributed it to both girls, Truss on the Burlington Tower and Maple on the Hamilton Tower.  Sir continued to stare for a bit into the empty next box wondering — what just happened, she was here and hour ago.

When we left tonight around 9:00pm, Maple had managed to walk her way around the roof of the Hamilton Tower and was sitting on one of the light standards over Eastport Drive.  Truss was tucked into a ledge on the face of the Hamilton Tower.  Hoping all will be well as it is once again raining in our neck of the woods.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Mom Delivers Dinner Truss is Doing The Balancing Act Truss Takes to the Air With Prey A Safe Landing On the Picnic Table