
!!! Male almost out of the gate!!!

June 10, 2009 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

What we believe to be our male chick is very anxious and jumping from one side of the ledge to the other flapping it’s wings very hard for longer and longer periods of time each time. The female is much larger and darker she is flapping too but she is obviously on a different time line than the male chick.
Males usually as a rule fledge or fly first and this would support our call on the male and female. Jerry you are the best you’re killin me with all these great shots!!!
A very special thanks to all of our volunteers. we need all the help we can get. Please anyone else if you are in this area come down and talk to the friendly volunteers, they’ll tell you how you can help.
You guys that are on watch are the best. It is an honor to work with such a great caring staff of volunteers. We are close to lift off.
Dennis and Gwenster and our falcon crazy crew!!!!

Special note look at their crop or food pouch just bellow their throats. Every shot they are very well fed indeed!!!

Male male Male Male food pouch Male & Female FOOD!!!! Jumping Jacks Looking fondly @ Jerry Female getting flapping Female flapping