
!!! If I can’t fly I’ll walk!!!!

June 14, 2009 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

What a day!!!! Our little male earned both frequent flyer miles and frequent walker miles! Hats off to a great falcon crazy team effort. This little fellow had everyones heart in their throats and all of us running around in circles.
Steve a falconer friend of Jerry the photographer reviewed the pictures and he feels our little guy will be flying like the blazes within a couple of days.
I’m not sure who has worse blisters the falcon or us????
I would also like to welcome all our new friends that stopped in today and chatted. It was great to see so many of our experienced birding community stop in and help out today as well.
We left our little buddy hunkered down on one of the cross beams. Hopefully he’ll be right there when we return at first day light. To you other photographers send in those afternoon and evening shots. We love to seee them all and I will post them as well.
D&G & “The Falcon Crazy Team!!!!