
Fledge watch - Day nine

June 15, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Volunteer Reports:

Today was apparently not to be the first day of flying for Tailer.  He was active at times and seems ready to fly, but the final push hasn’t come.

Breakfast was served around 7:30.  There was some activity at the north end by Tailer, but wing-flapping didn’t equal flying.  A good part of the day was quiet.  If anyone was exercising inside the ledge, we didn’t see it.
Just after 2 we saw both chicklets on the ledge, together!  Little beaks touched together, tails were together when Nihei turned around to face out while Tailer faced in.  However neither were sitting full bodies side by side so I have yet to confirm gender.  That will still come.
Around 5, Connor suddenly flew in to the middle of the ledge.  We were surprised to find that he started to feed both chicklets!  Tailer was up on the ledge so we could see such a fierce predator gently passing bits of meat to his offspring.  Nihei was on the inside so all we saw was Connor leaning in to feed her.  Awhile later we saw wing-flapping at the north end, so Jennifer was sent to watch from Queen St.  She was joined by Chris.  They could see Tailer but we couldn’t.  What we did see was near 8pm.  Diana, who had been on the Carlysle Antenna was at Tower A in a second, screaming and circling overhead, joined by Connor, also screaming and circling.  I suspect the intruder on the roof was Security doing their regular checks.
Once the intruder was gone, Tailer headed towards the southern end of the ledge, to join Nihei , hopefully to settle down for the night.
Where will our volunteers find him in the morning?

Eve Ticknor