
Fledge Watch - Day 16

June 22, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Our young lady stayed on Tower 1 where we left her last night.  We have had the opportunity to see her with Tailer who loves flying but who seems contented to spend time with his sister between bouts of flying.  We have seen him plop down next to her, she sitting up and he flat on his belly.  Sometimes both parents are also up there.  Most of the day has been rather quiet, with most sightings from the ground of one or both chicklets sitting on the edge, or beetling it along the ledges.  My reference is to the view we have of a falcon hunched over as it walks.  From the ground, we don’t see the legs, so a rounded object is moving along the ledge very much like watching beetles moving along.

She still had not flown in the evening, so I left around 7:30.  Then around 9, she flew, this time landing on the Crowne Plaza Hotel, on a window ledge on the 9th floor!  The ledges below the windows are slanted, with little to give security to a bird who, to us is big, to the building is very small.  She is most likely holding on by just a few talons……  It grew too dark for the volunteers to see her, so they left her there, with her parents on nearby buildings, watching her, and her brother up on the ledge.
We will again check on her in the morning, hopefully to find her in a better position on a nearby building.
As you can see, she still isn’t out of the woods yet, and the call for volunteers goes on.  A few are giving much more of their time than we had expected,and I cannot thank them enough!  Please see if there are a few more hours you can give for Nihei’s fledging period.
Cheers, Eve