
Downtown Toronto Sheraton Centre

June 11, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Jan Chudy Reports:

Second Fledge - Osler’s First Flight, and second, and third!

Having checked in with Linda and Lily at 9:40 to determine the whereabouts of Stormin (ledge on south side of Canada Life Building) I returned to my office to keep tabs on Osler and one of his ststers. At 11:30, Osler made his leap of faith and landed on the roof of the “other” hotel. One of his parents supervised his landing from a small superstructure on the roof. After a few flaps, Osler promptly jumped up on to ledge. Stormin was being monitored by Zoe and Lily but I am sorry to say I was so engrossed in watching Osler that Idid not note the time when Stormin took off from Canada Life and landed on roof of the building which is at the south west corner of Richmond and York I did note that he was fed by both adults at 1 p.m.(as advised by Lily) and this may have been his first meal since Monday. An adult buzzed Osler a couple of times but he stayed put. His sister on the ledge seemed intially to be disquieted by his departure and ran up and down and flared her wings but then settled down. An adult went to the ledge and immediately, left trying to entice the next juvie off, but she would have nothing of it. At 2:05 Osler made his next leap and flew a nice line to the west side of 120 Alelaide, where he made a good landing - no mean feat since it is such a small ledge! He was barely there two minutes when he decided to aim for the nest ledge! What a courageous flight - all uphill - and he almost made it!! He was within 4/5 levels of the nest ledge when his “lift” gave out. He “batted” on to the concrete and clung on. One of his parents, who had been sitting on the first “e” of ‘Centre”, flew down to offer support - flying back and forth. The little guy hung on valiantly - the longest I have seen, but finally had to let go. Zoe spotted him heading back to the other hotel, and sure enough - there he was - back on the NE corner! From this time until 5 p.m., nothing remarkable to report (from my perspective). Linda was back on site and I checked out for the day.