
!!! Crazzzzzzzzzy times, Juveniles dropping from the skies!

June 09, 2009 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

It has been a while since I have been able to get to a computer and file an observation report.  I will have to be brief as the days have been long, and the nights (sleep time) have been very short!!

With the support of all, the day ended up a huge success despite McKenzie’s grounding and adventures with the local crows, Blue Jays and the squirrel.    I met lily on the corner of Eagle Street and Bloor shortly after 9am and we proceeded to the Sunlife security office to ask them for escort to the upper terrace area to take a look for McKenzie.  Moments after our arrival to the upper Sunlife terrace, Lily spotted McKenzie to the east over on the lower terrace area of the Kingsway on the Park Condo’s hiding in the bushes in a corner against the wall.  Next stop, the Kingsway security office to ask for their support and escort to their terrace.  A text book rescue and recovery. Easy!  Mild mannered McKenzie.

After a detailed examination to ensure that he has not suffered any obvious sign of trauma, brakes or fractures, Lily and I dehydrated him and returned him in the rescue carrier back to the Sun life security office for s short hold over to take another look from the street at the upper roof top of the nest building.  this is to ensure that there were no other fledglings that had made it to the upper roof area that we might scare off by putting McKenzie back.  Also, the short hold over in a cool quiet darkened place allows the downed fledgling time to settle down, cool off, and ensures that we can take another look at him to ensure that he is still alert and that their is no sings of any other obvious injuries.

A huge thank you for the great support of the Sun life Security staff who have been peregrine sitting and providing a cool, quiet and safe environment until we have been able to get the downed McKenzie back to the roof, and to the Kingsway security.   After the coast (nest building rooftop) was clear, Lily and I once again attended the Sun life security for an escort to the upper roof area to release McKenzie.  Success!! Free once again. For the balance of the evening, mom and dad brought in several food packages and McKenzie was able to fly from the roof up to the top of the retaining wall that surrounds the roof area  and chased both parents back and forth for hours.

I have attached some photos that Lily shot during McKenzie’s examination shortly after he was retrieved from the ground after flying back across Bloor Street to the nest building, but falling far short of getting enough elevation to come even close the nest ledge.  Several other shots via the camera phone of McKenzie moments after being released back the roof.

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