
Citizen to the rescue.

June 15, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

I met one of your Sheraton Centre birds today. It almost landed on top of me around noon today as it fell to the ground on York St. just north of Adelaide. I believe it had hit the eastern face of the building at 150 York.
I’m speculating about that, as I didn’t actually see the bird until it came whizzing past me and struck the pavement at my feet. It was stunned, but still moving a bit, so I gently picked it up (it was in the street in the middle of traffic) and took it to the tiny parkette beside the loading dock for the Hilton Hotel. I left it there (it didn’t want to let go of my glove initially) and went inside to make a delivery.

As I approached it flew a short distance and seemed to crash-land on top of another delivery truck, where it sat for about five minutes. It then took flight again, rather unsteadily, and flew to the overhang of the Hilton Hotel’s driveway. I didn’t see it after that.

I hope the bird is all right, and was merely stunned by its adventure, but if you see one of the juveniles with a tricky left wing, you’ll know why.
