
!!! Nick’s Auto Clinic friend of falcons

June 25, 2009 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

You might ask “why is Nick’s Auto Clinic in our post”?

Nick’s place is in the shadow of the Ambassador Bridge and he is an avid supporter of the Ambassador Bridge Peregrine Falcons and our volunteers.
When we were pulling 16 hour days during the fledge watch and needed a rest or a rest room, Nick was a God send and I felt we should say thank you. He was also on stand by if we needed a cool place to keep a fallen chick.
He also rescued a couple of chicks!! He gave Caroline a jump start when her and Gwen were sitting in the car in the pouring rain and drained the battery. Thank YOU!
He is right where Sandwich Street turns into Riverside Drive and University Ave. Right at the “Y”

The youngster dropped a hand off of food this morning almost had it but chased it to the ground and mantled and then flew up onto the top ledge of the abutment. I didn’t think he would fetch grounded food, I was wrong. We checked on the family before the fire works and then after and they didn’t seem to be bothered.

The youngsters flights are showing more and more control and he is chasing the adults for food which will lead him to make his own lunch! They are making him pluck some of the food packages as well.