getting fed at least
May 19, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Robert Williams Reports:
When I arrived at the bridge this evening, both adults were sitting on the ledge of the south tower, opposite the nest box and spent most of the evening away from the scrape.
The chicks got fed twice tonight: once about 7:30pm the female took off from the tower, made a few attempts at the local pigeons without success, and then flew off past the Skyway and CCIW. She returned very shortly carrying a small meal package to the nest where she stayed out of sight for a long time, longer than five minutes before returning to the south tower.
Less than an hour later, the male left the tower vocalizing, and flew to one of the ‘picnic tables’ (small platform on the overhead wires) where he spent some time plucking a cached food item, then carried it to the top of the south tower. A few minutes later he flew to the nest box with some of the food, followed by the female who remained with the food, while he returned to the south tower. Again, she stayed on the scrape out of sight for longer than five minutes, before joining the male on the south tower, carrying some remains.
I spent much of the time trying to get band shots, unsuccessfully, and didn’t manage a glimpse of the little ones on the nest, but soon enough they’ll be wandering around the edges in full view.
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