Let the games begin…
June 19, 2008 - Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel
Sarah Washington Reports:
Well last night the chicks made a series of flights. Including Elstone. He finally recovered from his rescue and decided it was time to hang out with his brother and sister. He left in the evening and then Duncan (see pictures below) had the most curious look on his face, kind of like..”Now where did u go”..
In the evening, Duncan was alone most of the day and was missing his siblings. Calling out to them and mom and dad is common. So luckly Miles went back and so did Elstone to keep him company and tell him about their sky adventures. (hopefully also telling him to join them). Duncan is 2 days behind so that puts his development back when you look at the older ones. He is still quite downy. Cautious is always best.
Madame X and Surge had a visitor on the roof of where the chicks were. They were so mad, you could hear it in their screech. It was very obvious that they wanted them gone. I still find it odd that they go out there knowing what could happen.
More to come as the Tails continue…
Photos by Sarah Washington - CPF Webcam.
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