The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Endangered Species Bulletin Archives

This page is dedicated to news about peregrine falcons and other endangered species around the world, as well as any environmental issues which may affect them, and other wildlife stories which may be of interest to CPF supporters.

If you have an interesting story to share, or have found an item of interest on another website, please email it for consideration.

All articles will be listed in chronological order - see the list below for the articles currently posted, and click on each to read the article.

Note that many of the links on this page point to outside websites, and we have no control over how long articles remain available.  Articles known to have been taken offline are noted as such below, but we have left the summaries in place to provide at least a brief overview of past stories.





May 27, 2002
Lonely male peregrine finds another mate
Following up on the sad death of one of Edmonton's peregrines, some good news ... her mate has already found a new partner.  While they are unlikely to breed this late in the season, it is hoped they will return together next spring.
Click here for the full story
(from the Edmonton Journal)

Article no longer available online

May 24, 2002
Peregrine death points to poison
One of Edmonton's breeding females died this week, and is suspected of having been the victim of poisoning.  Efforts are being made to save her four eggs.Click here for the full story
(from the Edmonton Journal)

Article no longer available online

May 23, 2002
Men charged with killing protected birds in Minnesota
Five men have been charged with killing approximately 100 owls and hawks to prevent them from preying on pheasants being raised in pens.  The raptors were snared using leg-hold traps on poles, then left to die, or shot or clubbed to death.
Click here for the full story
(from the Star Tribune)
Article no longer available online

May 17, 2002
Poached eggs seized from fake film crew
Two men posing as wildlife photographers were arrested in Quebec after their helicopter pilot became suspicious of their motives.  They were found to have seven peregrine and gyrfalcon eggs in a portable incubator, and were suspected to be stealing them for sale on the black market.Click here for the full story
(from the National Post)

Article no longer available online

March 24, 2002  
Poison kills bald eagles
The recent death of an adult bald eagle due to pesticide poisoning, coupled with a review of other deaths in the past three years, has provoked increased concern about the threat which pesticides pose toward wildlife.
Click here for the full story 
(from SERM Newsline)
Article no longer available online

February 6, 2002   
This one is for the birds
A discussion of the recently released report from the Vancouver International Airport which detailed the culling of 1239 birds, including 117 raptors, over the course of 2001.
Click here for the full story 
(from the Globe and Mail)
Article no longer available online

February 6, 2002
USDA suspects residents in 2 hawk deaths in Virginia
Recent hawk deaths may be due to accidental poisoning resulting from attempts to reduce a local crow population.
Click here for the full story 
(from the Washington Post)

January 16, 2002  
Bald eagles dying from microscopic brain lesions
Since 1994, at least 69 bald eagles have died as a result of small lesions on their brains, but the cause of these mysterious deaths is still unknown.
Click here for the full story 
(from the Nando Times)

January 15, 2002  
Commission votes to allow take of peregrine falcons
The Colorado Wildlife Commission approved a citizen petition to allow the capture of nestling peregrine falcons for use in falconry.
Click here for the full story 
(from the Colorado Division of Wildlife)

November 28, 2001  
Ministry of Natural Resources gets help from Canadian Peregrine Foundation in endangered species investigation
The official news release from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the investigation of the Bayfield eagle.
Click here for the full story 
(from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)
Article no longer available online

November 9, 2001
Eight baby condors to soar over Andes by December
Chilean and Argentine biologists are planning to release eight captive-raised condors later this fall.
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Network)
Article no longer available online

November 8, 2001     
Government of Canada announces $10 million for habitat and species at risk
Federal Environment Minister David Anderson has promised to dedicate $10 million to over 150 projects under the Government of Canada habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) for Species at Risk.
Click here for the full story
(from Environment Canada's Green Lane)

October 26, 2001    
Man charged in falcon killing
A duck hunter in New Jersey shot a peregrine falcon and faces a fine of up to $5000
Click here for the full story
(from New Jersey Online)
Article no longer available online

October 25, 2001   
Peregrine falcons restored to the Southwest
Limited collection of peregrine chicks from nests is now permitted in some states
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Network)

July 12, 2001
DDT Use in U.S. Linked to Premature Births in the 1960's
A new medical study published in The Lancet indicates that DDT was responsible for premature births in humans in the 1960s.
Click here for the full story
(from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)

July 17, 2001
Condor switcheroo
A chick hatches from the first egg produced by wild condors in fifteen years.
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Network)

July 16, 2001
Kenya's Pink Flamingos Weighed Down by Heavy Metals
Heavy metals including lead, zinc, and cadmium have been identified as the primary cause of the death of massive numbers of these already declining flamingos.
Click here for the full story
(from the Lycos Environment News Service)

June 30, 2001
Ontario lays rare charges over eagle's nest
Five people have been charged after cutting down the trees surrounding a bald eagle nest on the north shore of Lake Erie.
Click here for the full story
(from the CBC)

June 22, 2001 
Ultralight aircraft helps whooping crane recovery
Ten endangered whooping cranes are being taught to migrate by following an ultralight.
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Network)

June 22, 2001 
Pesticides cause more bird deaths than West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus is becoming a serious threat to a variety of birds, but control measures might cause even more serious problems.
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Service)

June 20, 2001 
Ruling gives temporary reprieve to spotted owls threatened by logging
The B.C. Supreme Court has ordered a temporary halt to logging of spotted owl territories.
Click here for the full story
(from Canada NewsWire)  

June 11, 2001
Northern spotted owls losing genetic distinctiveness
California spotted owls are beginning to expand into the range of the already endangered northern spotted owl.
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Network)  

June 4, 2001 
Songbird habitat conserved by sustainable coffee movement
Consumers can reduce the pressure on neotropical migrants by purchasing shade-grown coffee.
Click here for the full story
(from the Environmental News Network)  
Article no longer available online

May 31, 2001 
Eleonora's falcon in toxic trouble
One of Europe's rare and declining raptors, the Eleonora's Falcon appears to be the victim of carbamate poisoning.
Click here for the full story
(from Birdlife International)
Article no longer available online

September 7, 2000
Cascade (of Niagara Falls) still on territory in Cleveland
SaraJean Peters reports that after Cascade's nest in Cleveland failed this spring, she has remained on territory, and she and her mate remain closely bonded.
Click here for further details on the 2000 Ohio season
(from the Ohio Division of Wildlife)
Article no longer available online

July 17, 2000
Wisconsin Falcon Watch 2000 Report
Peregrines in Wisconsin had a successful year, with 11 pairs raising a total of 39 chicks.
Click here for the full story
(from the Milwaukee Public Museum site)

April 15, 2000
Europe's peaks of pollution
Dangerously high levels of DDT have been documented in lakes high in the Alps and Pyrenees.
Click here for the full story (from

April 14, 2000
The peregrine falcon: a conservation success story
A review of peregrine recovery in the United States, with cautionary notes about the need to continue monitoring.
Click here for the full story (from the Environmental News Network)

April 13, 2000
Algonquin wolves need protection
Information on a petition to prevent Algonquin Park's declining population of rare red wolves from being hunted.
Click here for more information (from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and Queen's University Committee for the Environment)

April 12, 2000
Species at risk update
A review of the endangered species legislation proposed by Environment Minister David Anderson on April 11.
Click here for the full story  (by the Canadian Nature Federation on the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club bulletin board)
Article no longer available online

March 22, 2000
Chemical fallout hurts Inuit babies
DDT and other toxins have accumulated to dangerous levels in the Arctic.
Click here for the full story (from the Toronto Star)
Article no longer available online

January 28, 2000
Action Alert - Federal Endangered Species Legislation
A call for concerned citizens to provide input on Canada's upcoming endangered species legislation.
Click here for the full story (by the Canadian Nature Federation)
Article no longer available online

August 20, 1998
Persistent organic pollutants threat lingers
Swedish scientists report on the severe neurological problems caused by exposure to DDT, PCBs, and other toxins.
Click here for the full story (from the Environmental News Network)
Article no longer available online

July 1, 1998
Group urges global DDT ban by 2007
Recent statistics support the need to ban DDT  and eleven other dangerous persistent organic pollutants within a decade.
Click here for the full story (from the Environmental News Network)
Article no longer available online

July 25, 1997
Otters, bald eagles still threatened by DDT
Research shows that both historical and current applications of DDT are still having a significant impact on North American wildlife.
Click here for the full story (from the Environmental News Network)
Article no longer available online


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