The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

News Item for June 9th, 2005


The shooting of 48 Marsh Harriers every year for three years - a bloody total - if the plan of the BOKU (the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna) is carried out under the guise of a scientific project! BirdLife, WWF Austria and other organisations in Austria are appalled and are calling for an immediate stop to the project.

The aim of the project is (ostensibly) to "register the effect of the Marsh Harrier on small game" by shooting almost half the recorded breeding population over the next 3 years to determine their diet by examining stomach content.

Support WWF and BirdLife Austria and protest with your email via:

David Conlin
Proact International
joining Proact costs nothing - doing nothing costs birds

Follow-up to the above item: June 9th, 2005

Cancellation of Ecological Dietary Study of the Marsh Harrier

The Institute for Game Biology and Hunting Management of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science Department for Integrated Biology (BOKU) in Vienna was commissioned to carry out an ecological dietary study of the influence of the Marsh Harrier on small game (e.g. hare and partridge).
Misleading and confused media statements have led to the false project being falsely represented both nationally and internationally. This development has distressed me personally a great deal as the project was only intended to be a fundamental contribution to biology and the protection of this species. In order to prevent the reputation of the BOKU being damaged undeservedly, as well as my that of my institute and my colleagues, I herewith declare the abandonment of my planned ecological dietary study of the Marsh Harrier in Lower Austria.

Klaus Hackländer
Director IWJ (Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft)

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