August 31, 2002 -- Willow
is the first of the three to poke her head out of the box and taste
freedom, just five minutes after the bars were removed. (Photo
by Gerry McKenna)
August 31, 2002 -- Rian
Lewis of Ontario Power Generation removes the bars from the front of the
hack box. (Photo
by Gerry McKenna)
August 31, 2002 -- Volunteer
watchers stand below, awaiting the release of the three young peregrines.
by Gerry McKenna)
August 31, 2002 -- The
last view of the peregrines inside the hack box just prior to their
release. (Photo
by Gerry McKenna)
August 25, 2002 -- Now
around six weeks old, the three chicks have acquired their flight
feathers, and lost most of their juvenile down. A few more days of
strengthening their muscles inside the box and they will be ready for
release. (Photo
by Gerry McKenna)
August 15, 2002 -- The
three chicks moments after being placed inside the hack box - the female in
the near right corner seemed to be a bit more camera shy than her two
brothers! (Photo
by Marcel Gahbauer)
August 15, 2002 -- The
three chicks at the conclusion of the banding, just before being taken up
to their new home on the roof. Holding them are (left to right) Bill
Newell, volunteer coordinator; Mike Gatt, MNR biologist for Peterborough
district; Gerry McKenna, senior scientist with Ontario Power Generation.
by Mark Nash)
August 15, 2002 -- CPF
biologist Marcel Gahbauer explains the history of the chicks to the
assembled crowd, while MNR biologist Pud Hunter waits in the background
for the banding of the chicks to commence. (Photo
by Mark Nash)
August 15, 2002 -- The
hack box on the roof of the Wesleyville facility, with the surrounding
lands to the west in the background. (Photo
by Marcel Gahbauer)
August 13, 2002 -- CPF
director Mark Nash, with the modified hack box ready for installation.
by Marcel Gahbauer)
August 8, 2002 -- Ontario Power
Generation's Wesleyville Station, a non-operating facility on the shore of
Lake Ontario between Toronto and Port Hope. (Photo
by Mark Nash)
August 8, 2002 -- A view from the
roof of the Wesleyville Station, looking southwest over Lake Ontario.
by Mark Nash)
August 8, 2002 -- Looking west from
the roof of the Wesleyville Station. (Photo
by Mark Nash)
August 8, 2002 -- A
peregrine's-eye-view of the habitat inland from the Wesleyville Station.
by Mark Nash)
August 8, 2002 -- Staff at Ontario
Power Generation's Wesleyville Station, on the roof near where the young
peregrines will soon be placed, and which they will help care for during
their stay at the site. (Photo
by Mark Nash)