Kyla's Page

Kyla is wild produced American Kestrel (also known as the "Sparrow Hawk"). She was found injured, and was taken into a rehabilitation facility and was found to have neck trauma. She recovered from her injuries after an extended stay and treatment, but sadly, was in captivity too long and was inadvertently human imprinted in the process. As with all human imprints they would not survive in the wild, as they have no natural association with own kind and will believe they are human for the rest of their lives. Kyla lacks life skills taught by parents and would be unable to survive, thus she was deemed non-releasable. Her fate, as with most human imprints, was to be euthanized. Fortunately, the Canadian Peregrine Foundation was contacted and were asked if we would take her as an educator. She was taken in for an evaluation period and we were able to confirm she was indeed, a human imprint. Her delightful personality and demeanor certainly demonstrated she would make an excellent educational bird. She is an excellent flier and clearly enjoys performing. She has been working with us at outreach events like the Toronto Sportsmen Show. She is well liked by all that meet her, and she too, enjoys meeting new people.