The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Regent Heights Junior Public School

Visit sponsored by: TD - Friends of the Environment Foundation: Scarborough

On April the 19th, 2006, we visited Scarborough's Regent Heights Junior Public School. Below is a letter from the school.

On Wednesday,April 19, 2006, one of your educators came to our school to give a demonstration on the Peregrine Falcon. The presentation was given to grade 4's and grade 6's in our school, about one hundred and sixty students.

The students were spellbound by the presentation. The introduction captured the students attention and the actual falcon was awe inspiring. The students learned about the implications of pesticide use, the importance of habitat for the survival of species and the types of adaptations that the peregrine falcon has in order to be successful in its habitat. The students were also given a dramatic understanding of the importance of the environmental slogan ''Think Globally, Act Locally".

Maya, the educator, was even able to tie the presentation into the grade four social studies unit on medieval studies, discussing with the students that the bird used for Falconry was the Peregrine which was called the Royal Falcon. This brought medieval times alive for the students.

The students were disappointed about the presentation ending and are hoping to have a chance to see your presentation again in the future.

After discussing with you the new presentations that The Canadian Peregrine Foundation is offering, Regent Heights is looking forward to hosting your staff in the near future. Our understanding that this presentation was funded through TD Friends of the Environment. We would like to express our gratitude to them for making this exciting presentation possible. Only through these types of presentations will the students learn that it is not too late to help the environment.

Thank you once again.


Thomas W. McKeown B. Ed. , M.E.S., M.Ed.

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