The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
St. Catharines' Grapeview Public School

Visit sponsored by: TD Friends of the Environment Foundation: Niagara North

On February the 2nd, 2006, we visited St. Catharines' Grapeview Public School. Below is a letter from the school.

Thank you very much for coming to Grapeview School to speak to our Grade 4 and Grade 6 children about the plight of the peregrines. The children were absolutely spellbound and very much enjoyed seeing the falcon. They have a new perspective on how intrusive humans can be upon animal life. The presentation was definitely geared toward junior aged children and fit in well with our Ontario Science Curriculum requirements for both grades.

By the end of Grade 4, students are expected to have an understanding of how animals depend upon their habitats and of the ways in which humans can change habitats. They are also expected to know how these changes affect the animals within these habitats. These expectations were addressed in this presentation.

By the end of Grade 6, students must have acquired an understanding of classification of animals and of some of the processes of life common to all animals, such as movement, response and adaptation. The presenter talked in depth about the falcon and answered all of our children's questions about its structure and its lifestyle.

The presenter was very knowledgeable and made an excellent connection with our students during the presentation. She knew exactly how to handle each child and was definitely attuned to the behaviours of children and their reactions to the presentation of an animal such as the peregrine in a school setting. Our junior teachers were very impressed with the presenter's engaging presentation style and her ability to manage each group of children.

The members of Grapeview's junior division feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to expose our children to such a majestic creature. We give our sincere thanks to the Canadian Peregrine Foundation for their fine work and their desire to educate our children through these school visits. We would also like to thank the TD Bank Friends of the Environment, Niagara North Chapter, for sponsoring these school visits. Having booked many experiences for our children, we know that such events can become costly. It is always appreciated when such important information can be provided to our children without cost.

In conclusion, we would like to point out that this has been a special event for our children for another reason. We are attempting, as a school, to achieve "EARTH" status from the SEEDS foundation through the completion of a variety of environmentally friendly projects. The visit by the Peregrine Foundation has taken us one step closer to achieving that goal.

Thank you and please consider Grapeview in future mailings, as we continue to have an active Environment Committee as part of our School Parent Council and are always looking for ways to educate our children about the fact that, as humans, we can choose to help or to hurt the environment and we need to make the right choice because we influence the delicate balance of nature so easily.


The Junior Division Teachers
Grapeview School

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