Project School Visit:
F.C. Bodley School
On December the 12th, 2005, we visited Brantford's F.C. Bodley School. Below is a letter from the school.
Our Gr. 4-6 students found the presentation by the Canadian Peregrine Foundation to be most informative, entertaining and also relevant to our time. Students were very interested in the discussion dealing with D.D.T. and other pesticidcs and their effect on our birds and other wild life. All of our students were captivated by the beauty of our visiting peregrine and enjoyed examining her up close. Some or our students have started to do research and to draw pictures of these birds after this presentation!
Maya, our presenter, included descriptions of ths bird with scientific terms, and information on the food chain, habitat, predator's, etc. She did relate some historical information about the peregrine falcons back to medieval times and even to the ancient Egyptians.
This Was an excellent presentation which helped our students to realize first hand the importance of respecting our wild life and our environment. We highly recommend this educational endeavour to other interested teachers.
On belalf of F. C. Bodley, we would like to thank the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and the TD Canada Trust Friends of the environment Foundation for their support in making this program available to our school.
Sincerely,Return to Project School Visit menu
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