The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
First Nations Jr. & Sr. School of Toronto

Visit sponsored by: The Friends of the Environment Foundation

On March the 8th, 2005, we visited First Nations Jr. & Sr. School of Toronto. Below is a picture from one of the students, a letter from a teacher and a letter from the principal of the school.

by Shawnee

Dear Mike,

Thank you for coming to First Nations School of Toronto for the peregrine falcon presentation.

The children enjoyed the informative presentation.

A student (Shawnee) drew the [above] picture for your web site.

Thank you again,


Mr. Jarvis
Grade 3,4,5 teacher and students.

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 8th Mr. Michael Fazackerley treated the students &om grades 3 to 8 to a presentation on the Peregrine Falc6n. The presentation was approximately one hour in length, but could have easily gone on much longer because of the many questions that the students had. We learned that the falcon is one of nature's creatures that we have learned applications from for technology. We were also reminded of our responsibility to nature, and to endangered species like the Peregrine Falcon in specific, to stop using hazardous chemicals and end our destruction of habitats that wild animals need to live in.

Of course, the highlight of the presentation was the introduction of the falcon, "Sanchos". The beauty, grace, and majesty of the bird was immediately apparent to the entire class. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing Sanchos, and hearing the presentation by Mr. Fazackerley.

Your foundation is doing marvellous work, and we hope that someday in the not too distant future the Peregrine Falcon will become a common neighbour to us throughout Ontario.

Yours truly,

Wayne Kodje, Principal

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