The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Lucy Maud Montgomery Public School

Visit sponsored by: The Rouge Park Alliance
Together With
The Friends of the Environment Foundation

On September the 29th, 2004, we visited Scarborough's Lucy Maud Montgomery Public School. Below is a letter from the school.

It was our good fortune today to have Michael Fazackerley, from the Canadian Peregrine Foundation, do two presentations at our school.

We found Michael to be very knowledgeable and his presentations were informative, engaging and age and grade appropriate for our students in grades four through six. Of course, the highlight of the day was Ketasha, the peregrine falcon. I, myself, had never seen a peregrine falcon and did not know of their background so I also found the presentation to be fascinating.

The resources that Michael left behind are excellent and the teachers were very impressed with the tie ins to the curriculum.

I would not hesitate to recommend this presentation to other schools.

Yours truly,

Lindee Ballentine
Vice Principal

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