The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
St. Andrew Catholic School

Visit sponsored by: Friends of the Environment Foundation Niagara South

On May the 20th, 2004, we visited Welland's St. Andrew Catholic School. Below are letters from the school and a picture from one of the students.

by Ray

Our school was very fortunate to benefit from your visit. The children enjoyed meeting a live Peregrine and eagerly listened to the incredibly informative presentation.

The number of curriculum expectations addressed in the forty-five minute presentation was equally impressive. Not only was the grade four Life Systems strand of the science curriculum covered in detail with the information relating to habitats and communities but the grade five students benefited from the explanation of the falcon's body design in relation to aerodynamics and transfer of energy meeting expectations from the Energy and Control strand. The presentation also served as an extra-special introduction to our upcoming 'Protect the Environment unit.

I would like to thank The TD Canada Trust - Friends of the Environment for providing the funding to make this special program possible. It truly is a unique and wonderful learning experience for the children as well as the teachers.

Mrs. Linda Creighton
(Grades 4/5 classroom teacher)

The Grade 6/7 class would like to take this opportunity in thanking the TD Canada Trust-Friends of the Environment for providing the funding in allowing St. Andrew School, the opportunity to be educated on the peregrine. This presentation was very informative and very insightful. As a result of this presentation, the students have increased their knowledge about this endangered species.

In addition to this, much of the information presented within the presentation coincided quite well with the Science curriculum. As outlined in the student guide that was provided, students have gained an understanding as to why this endangered species is declining and ways to increase and help the species recover. As well as this, students also have an increased understanding about the food chain, and some of the peregrine's habitat requirements.

In speaking to my students, they were very intrigued and listened attentively during the presentation. The information presented had a lot to do with why the students were so interested. An added bonus was the student guide that was provided. To supplement my Science curriculum, I will most certainly use this invaluable resource. Having seen what an actual peregrine looks like and some of it's behaviors were definitely invaluable. I would certainly recommend all schools to see this informative and worthwhile presentation. Again thank you for a wonderful and informative presentation.

Paul Moccia and the Grade 6/7 class

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