Project School Visit:
Sarnia Christian School
On March the 9th, 2004, we visited the Sarnia Christian School. Below is a picture and a letter from the school.
by Alex |
I have just said goodbye to Maya and Qetesh and must tell you what an incredible
experience their visit to our school was' As the students were leaving to board their
buses, they were talking about all the sights and information they had just seen and
Thank you so much to the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and the TD Canada
Trust—Friends of the Environment for making this presentation possible! As a
Christian School we are not eligible for many programs that the public and separate
schools are able to use, so this was a real treat for our students and teachers!
Many parts of our curriculum were enhanced through Maya's presentation, including
animal groups, food chains, and ecology. We were also able to see the historical
importance of falcons through ties made to Medieval Times and Ancient Egypt.
With the Peregrine Falcon Unit and video that our school was able to keep. we will
be able to further enhance our study of birds and ecology at various grade levels.
After visiting the Canadian Peregrine Foundation website. the students are eager to
learn more about specific birds. They are also excited about the possibility of
adopting a bird to help out the work of the foundation.
Maya was so good at relating to the children and was able to share a lot of
information with them! The students were just thrilled to be able to see one of God's
special creatures up doss. They were challenged to do their part to preserve and
maintain the habitat of the peregrine falcon.
Thank you again to the TD Canada Trust—Friends of the Environment for making
this awesome presentation possible!
Helen Strybos
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