The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Notre Dame Catholic School

Visit sponsored by: Friends of the Environment Foundation

On January the 12th, 2004, we visited London's Notre Dame Catholic School. Below is a letter from the school.

Thank you so much for coming to our school today. My class of grade six students enjoyed your presentation very much. We have already studied Air and Flight in science, and part of that strand is learning that bird bones are hollow. The students were amazed to leam that as a result of hollow bones, Ariel weighed less than two pounds. They thought she would have weighed much more because she was so big.

We will soon be studying Diversity of Living Things. Part of this strand involves classifying birds and looking at characteristics they have in common with dinosaurs. Again, seeing Ariel and learning more about her characteristics was a wonderful visual for the students that will stay with them.

We would especially like to thank TD Canada Trust - Friends of the Environment for funding this endeavor. This type of learning is fun and interesting for students, and enhances what they are learning from text books. They were excited to see a falcon in their library and thought that she was beautiful.

Thank you for your interest in our students. This may be the only time they get to see a Peregrine Falcon.


Mrs. Heather Semchism

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