The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Father Francis Mahoney

Visit sponsored by: Ontario Power Generation Darlington

On February the 9th, 2004, we visited Oshawa's Father Francis Mahoney School. Below is a picture and letters from some of the students.

by Chris

Dear Perigrine Falcon Foundation

I would like to begin by thanking the Ontario Power Generation for providing the funds to send a representative and Aerial to our library. Your presentation was very good of how Peregrine falcons become exinct from DDT and how it transfered from a bug to a falcon. The presentation of Aerial was interesting. I did not know how sharp its talons are. Turning it's head 180° was funny!


Dear Peregrine Falcon Foundation,

I would like to begin by thanking the Ontario Power Generation for providing the funds to send a representative and Airial to our school.
It was cool that Arial could turn her head 180° around, also with how sharp her claws were, and learning that females are bigger, stronger and own the nest.
I appreciate/thank you for coming and teaching about Peregrine Falcons and DDT.


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