The Canadian Peregrine Foundation


July - September 2004

Monday September 6, 2004
Phil Maillard reports:
1 pm. a chick has landed on the south-west corner of the Crown Plaza with a catch! i watch her for about 20 minutes as she picks away at it, occasionally seeing some feathers flying about. 4:40 pm. a chick is sitting on the north-east corner of the Crown, {third pillar in}. no one else in sight.

Wednesday September 15, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
12:33 pm - It appears to be a juvenile perched on the northeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building ledge area and there is another one on the lower ledge area, scrounging around for something to eat, it appears. The other peregrine also appears to be a juvenile, but I have been wrong in past, as I am still somewhat confused on markings unless mom (Horizon) has here back to me and she is quite large and distinct in colour as is her mate - Connor - who is smaller in stature and very dark feathering on his back. Regardless, they are breathtaking to behold.

Yesterday - Tuesday, September 14th, 2004 - Horizon was perched for part of the day on the northwest corner of the ledge area and was not too interested in moving too far from one of her favourite perches.

Eve Ticknor reports: Thanks to Arlene, we know our chicklets are still here in Ottawa. It will be interesting to see just when we stop seeing them. It could be anytime in the next few weeks, or even into October, so I'll depend on those of you downtown to keep us informed. Although I have been downtown a few times recently, I never seem to be there when any of our falcon family are visible.....

Tuesday September 7, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
1:33 pm - It appears to be Horizon who has just arrived on the northeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building ledge area with catch in talons. She sat for a short bit and then had since started plucking away at her catch. I guess she is having an afternoon delight - a nice delectable morsel of protein. The other peregrines are in the viewable surroundings.

Thursday August 26, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
11:16 am - Horizon is perched on the northeast corner ledge area of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and she is facing south looking at the Constitution Square buildings. She had previously been perched for a short while on the northwest corner ledge area. When I was coming into work earlier today and while driving along Albert Street, I looked up and saw that there was a peregrine (not distinguishable on which one it was) sitting on the southeast corner of the ledge area. No sign of any juveniles or Connor at this time.

Tuesday August 24, 2004
James Normington reports:
The Falcon Watch continues... At around one this afternoon, one of the parents decided to teach a chick how to hunt live prey.

As I was just on the corner of Kent and Albert, I could hear the characteristic call of a peregrine chick. Soon two falcons came round the corner of Constitution Square, one trailing the other.

The one in the lead was a parent, and it had something in its talons. This game of follow the leader continued, lower - and lower - and lower, until they were 2 to 2 1/2 meters off the ground. It was only then that I could see that the parent was using live prey in this teaching session.

Suddenly, the adult zipped up into the air, and released the prey...the chick was straight in, catching it in the air. Unfortunately, she decided that the best place to land with this delicious luncheon guessed it, the middle of one of the lanes on Albert St.

I tore off down the street, waving a minivan to slow down and stop. The chick let me get within about 5 meters before taking off. I suspect that it was Senator ? there was that look of recognition ? oh no, it is that man with the really big running shoes coming towards me!

She took off, and made her way over to the Glue Pot parking lot, before heading back over to the roof of the Justice Building (Crown Plaza side of Sparks), and landing on the corner there. Down on Sparks St, a Canadian Forces cameraman was setting up his equipment (never did get his name), and I think he got some good photos and semi-good video of a little chick in a feeding frenzy.

Not content with that section of Justice, she decided to pop over to the section behind the Delta Hotel, and there she sat for a good 20 minutes, plucking and eating. I left before she for all I know, she might have stayed there all afternoon.

Still out here falcon watching...

Thursday August 12, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
1:32 pm - It appears to be a moulting Horizon (cannot see any banding on one of the legs, as it is covered at the moment) who is situated on the northwest corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and what appears to be a small sparrow or the like that she is plucking. There is another peregrine located on the southwest corner and at one point in time during the plucking ceremony starting hopping towards Horizon and the catch, but turned around in mid-stream and hopped back to the southwest corner.

1:37 pm - Plucking has stopped and it appears that the catch will just rest there until she decides to finish off the job later on today. Eve T. - Can you advise if either of the offspring is able to make a catch at this point in time, as the bird currently doing the plucking is looking quite tattered.

1:39 pm - Horizon had now decided to move the catch to the lower ledge area and appears now to be finishing off the plucking job, obviously for an afternoon snack.

One other thing to mention is that on Tuesday, August 17th, 2004 when the skies became very darkened and obscured with a layer of black clouds that there were three peregrines taking protection from the wind, torrential rains, etc., on the north/southwest side of the ledge area on the Crowne Plaza Hotel building. They stayed there for a very long time and did not seem to want to venture off in any direction to find food or anything else. They were a site to behold as the three stood steadfast in their decision not to venture off.

3:08 pm - It was a juvenile that had been plucking away at a small catch, as was just confirmed, when I saw the hopping intruder which was alluded to in my past email approach and attempt to take it away from the juvenile. The juvenile jumped down to the lower level and scared off what appeared to be Horizon and then it was confirmed that it was Horizon when she immediately flew back and took possession of the catch. She flew off for parts unknown, but heading east and the juvenile was in very quick pursuit.

Thursday July 22, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
This morning around 8:00 I saw both chicks near the nest sit. One was on the ledge site about half way down and the other was sitting directly in front of the camera site on the Continuation Square Building. It would have been interesting to see her in the monitor if the camera was still operating. Shortly after the one on the ledge joined her sister on the Constitution Square Building. They did not seem to be disturbed by the fact that the window washers have now moved to the Albert side of the Constitution Square Building (the other tower) this morning.

When I left, one was sitting to the right of the camera, which I believe to be Senator by the way she seemed to be resting (sitting low) on the railing. The other chick that was sitting in front of the camera moved around the corner to the left of the camera.

Monday July 19, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
4:52 pm - For the past hour or so, Horizon has been perched on the northwest corner of the ledge area of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building. At one point, she dropped down to the lower ledge area to bring up to the upper ledge area, a dead carcass of something which resembled a small bird or rodent, although I know that they do not favour rodents as much. She picked at it minusculy and then decided to put it back down and then just sit and take in the sites. As Eve T. had previously indicated, she (Horizon) is showing signs of moulting and is looking somewhat in disarray.

Earlier in the day I had the privilege of looking out of my office window and saw quite the display of aerial dynamics put on by both youngsters between Tower B and the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and then it appeared to be Horizon who intruded in on their activities to the point of giving one of them a clip on the posterior or what appeared to be a bump of some kind in that general vicinity of the anatomy. Both continued on with their antics and then ultimately contoured the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and ultimately one attempted to land on the northeast corner of the that building, but it just barely got to the point of nearing the ledge area for landing and then flew off towards the Tower C building.

5:03 pm - It appears to be one adult who is soaring the skies well above the top of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and what appears to be a youngster trying to keep up with the adult, although well behind its parent in flying and aerial capabilities/skills. There is much more activity at this time of the day as compared to other days, so maybe the youngsters are trying to indicate to mom and dad that a nice tasty morsel of protein would be delightful to keep their spirits up and running, so to speak. I am not quite sure whether or not they (the youngsters) are capable of bringing home their own catches, as yet, but I am hopeful that Eve T. will inform me on their capabilities at this stage of their development.

More to come you can be sure.

Eve Ticknor reports: As active as our chicklets are right now, they are still in the learning stage. They can be seen in hot pursuit of a parent, or doing aerial games with each other. Some of these chases after a parent are lessons in following prey around corners and between buildings. I am sure they will be getting hunting lessons most days so you should be able to see them trying to hunt soon. considering the capabilities we saw during the watch, I think it won't take very long for them to pick up the necessary skills!

Saturday July 17, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
A few of us were downtown in front of 350 Constitution Square around 11am. Horizon was on the southwest corner of Tower B. A few minutes later we say Connor with one of his daughters in hot pursuit fly between Tower C and the Crowne Plaza Hotel, turn around and fly back, not to be seen again, at least for today..... Connor had started his mould and was missing a primary on his left wing. Not having seen Horizon in flight today, I'm not sure how she looks but she should be also getting into her moult. They will both look a bit worse for wear soon, but that will not diminish their flying capabilities as falcons don't shed all their flight feathers at once.

Keep your eyes upwards when down in that area and keep your ears tuned in for falcon voices!

Wednesday July 14, 2004
Stephanie Carriere reports:
At around 7 p.m., I heard that familiar screeching and watched the sky as our girls played tag (practising food transfers) over Lyon Street before they flew northwest towards Lebreton Flats.

Tuesday July 13, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
I was downtown today around 11:30, having met up with James. We watched one juvenile soaring around and around overhead, obviously enjoying a thermal! She looked just like an adult, plumage aside.

Then she started to fold her wings and tail and flew westward over the Delta. I could only see her with my binoculars. Suddenly she was joined by another falcon of the same size, presumably her sister. They both were high over the LeBreton Flats/Ottawa River area and soon were out of sight, either too far or too high to see anymore.

What a delight to watch such confidence in their flights!

Friday July 09, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
After a phone call and email from Susan Staniforth in Tower A, I went up today to have a closer look at our chicklets and saw none - good!

She had seen one chicklet hit the penthouse window and then fly down to the ledge, rather subdued. Her sister missed the mark when she tried landing on the ledge next, and both rested after that. They moved together, chittering and touching beaks before one (the one to hit the window) did her usual bellyflop to sleep!

Phil and I cleared out the equipment from the Constitution Square this morning and got to see a bit of soaring of both chicklets. What beauties they are! At first it looked like adults soaring. While watching the 2, a 3rd flew in to join them - Connor. Horizon was on the ledge, resting. Eventually both Zanar and Senator landed on Tower C and rested while we drove away.

Thursday July 08, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
11:06 am - For the last couple of minutes the offspring are flying together are a marvel to behold. I had seen earlier that Horizon flew past my office window and then noticed that the offspring were frolicking in the area, so I guess she (Horizon) was keeping an eye on her two female offspring. There is no sign of Connor at the moment.

On the way to work this morning, I had noticed that window washers were occupying the northwest side of Tower 2 of the Constitution Square building complex and I was wondering if anyone outside had heard any noises or rantings of both adults, since we know that they both, especially Horizon, do not like when these window washers are anywhere in their proximity. Maybe that is what has prompted the youngsters to take the plunge.

11:21 am - One lone peregrine - not sure which one - perched on the between pillars two and three on the west side of the Crowne Plaza hotel building ledge area. Soaring above the hotel building is another peregrine and it just slightly touched the tip of the antenna on top of said building. It must be one of the offspring, as it has now joined another and the two of them are flying side by side or one behind the other heading west, but never quite that far from the view of the one lone peregrine on the ledge area. The two in the air are putting on quite the aerial displays by flying above the hotel building, as well as contouring the hotel building complex. They seem to be enjoying their newly developed flying skills. This is the most activity I have seen in quite some time.

12:45 pm - One juvenile peregrine has been perched on the northeast corner of the Crowne Plaza hotel building ledge area now for approximately 20 minutes and on the west side of the ledge area, it appears to be Horizon, although I am not quite sure at this moment, but as that particular peregrine is viewing the window washers on the north wall of Tower 2 of the Constitution Square building, I am assuming that is Horizon making sure that they do not impede her offpsring's flying/training progress.

1:02 pm - It appears to be Connor who is located on the west side of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building ledge area as his beloved is sitting in the cubby-hole area on the north wall of the hotel building - the area where the former Skyline Hotel lightened logo sign used to be placed. She seems to be contemplating eating a morsel of protein for her lunch. She is facing inward and has just relieved herself. One of the juvenile's is still located on the northeast side of the hotel building, as well. No sign of the fourth peregrine, which I am assuming is the one remaining juvenile.

Tuesday July 06, 2004
M. Arlene Williams reports:
4:33 pm - Horizon has just flown in from parts unknown and has landed on the upper ledge area of the Crowne Plaza hotel building. She is such a beautiful and magnificent raptor and I am always overwhelmed with by her stature and grace. She definitely is taking a break from the training of her offspring and is at the moment nicely preening her left feathered wing area. A little shake of the body to remove excess loosened feathers and I am sure that momentarily she will be flying off to re-establish her dominant role in the training, feeding, etc. of her two female offspring.

4:36 pm - It appears that Connor needs a few quite moments with his beloved and he has just joined Horizon on the same corner of the Crowne Plaza building. He hops down to the lower ledge area for a quick look to determine if there are any morsels of protein available to nibble on and then she decides to join him. However, he quickly decided that he did not want any company and has since flown of contouring the Crowne Plaza hotel building. I guess he was more interested in the possibility of food than he was in being close to his beloved.

4:39 pm - She is now back to the upper ledge area and is enjoying a view of the eastern part of the city, but I sometimes wonder if she knows that I am watching her, as she glances over to my office window on many occasions and seems to be concentrating on this attentive observer when she is in my view.

No sign of her offspring this afternoon. Maybe Connor has decided to take over for a short while, since he flew off seemingly headed in the nest area direction.

Saturday July 03, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
Day 15. Officially the 2004 Falcon Watch is finished. Unofficially, you will see volunteers walking around trying to get another look at our falcons. The only clue will be the upturned faces........

What a great day, weather-wise. We finally had sunshine with warmth! Perhaps this is a fitting end to the past 2 weeks.

There was not a huge amount of activity, but what we did see was superb! Senator has made great strides in her flying and landing abilities, perhaps catching up for the 5 days she just sat..... Many times today a young falcon flew and cries of "there goes Senator" changed to "at least I think that was Senator, but maybe not as that one had a really good landing so it must be Zanar"...... It became really hard to tell one from the other as both flew strong and steady and landings on most surfaces were equally good. The one time I was sure Senator was flying was the time she tried landing on the northeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel and missed by maybe 7 or 8 inches. She immediately came out of that and tried again, this time missing by no more than 1 inch. Again she came out of that and seemed to land on top of the hotel. A bit later we saw a chicklet on the southwest corner of Tower A and felt that she might have circled around behind another building.

It certainly was apparent to all of us that our sisters did not need us anymore and that today was more for the volunteers than the chicklets. We will continue to watch over Senator and Zanar as we work or pass through their home grounds (airspace?). Both chicklets may be seen in the air practicing their skills at talon-tag and barrel rolls, along with lessons in hunting.

I would like to thank all of you who were part of this effort and will be putting together a final report over the summer.

Friday July 02, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
Day 14. I don't think we have ever had such a cold Falcon Watch as this year! Sure, we have had the odd day that was very cold, but we're talking daily here! I'm glad it is finally warming up in the afternoon.

Our Senator has finally discovered her wings and by this evening it was clear that she has discovered the joy of using them!

She left the railing she slept on around 5:30am and made her way over to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. I saw her try to land on the ledge, but she missed by maybe a foot, not bad for a first try! She flew around the hotel and made a perfect landing up on the southwest corner of Place de Ville Tower A. A minute later her sister flew to the northwest corner of the same tower. How wonderful to know that both chicklets were up where they belong.

Food was brought to Zanar about 10:15, while Senator had to wait for her turn which came a little later on. Zanar eventually flew to the middle of the nest ledge where she spent the major part of the day. Meanwhile her sister made her way up towards the north end, once in a while flying out towards the hotel and around back to Tower A. She spent the next while at the northwest corner. Again they ate around 2:15.

Early evening saw the chicklets getting more active. First Senator flew to the top of the Marriott, followed soon after by Horizon and Connor, who proceeded to demonstrate how far to stay away from walls when flying. Someone on the Marriott foolishly came out on the balcony and were promptly reminded as to why the hotel staff had requested that all guests stay inside! Horizon chose to do the reminding!! She also flew up and down the side of the hotel as if to remind the guests to stay inside......

Almost immediately Zanar flew in to join the family and watchers saw all 4 together for a second or 2 until Zanar shoved her father out of the picture! She is as fiesty now as when she was banded while her sister seems much more mellow. From then on watchers saw the sisters, often accompanied by Horizon, flying around, to Tower C, to the Marriott, back again, etc. While on the Marriott, Senator walked towards her sister who was on the other end.

As we left tonight, I realized that our girls were nearly ready to be free of us. Both have shown great skills at flying and recoveries from misjudgements. It remains to see Senator master the landing on her nest ledge, but I feel that is not far off. We will come down for 1 more day. After that anyone in the area may see 2 playful chicklets in the sky or together at rest, or even flying and hunting lessons yet to be given by Horizon and Connor.

And, so nearly at the end, I will send 1 more report tomorrow night as we close another successful season. The official Final Report will come a bit later, once this Coordinator has had a bit of a break!

See you tomorrow!

Thursday July 01, 2004
Eve Ticknor reports:
Day 13, Lucky 13. Our Senator, like a true Senator, sat for a long time until she made her decision and late this afternoon she flew! Of course it was the one time I wasn't there......

She landed on a balcony at 151 Bay St, on probably the best one she could have chosen, that of Judy Craig. Judy knew what she was looking at and made a call that eventually brought me to see our little one. She also knew not to disturb her, which was very helpful!

I ended up inside that building and had 2 volunteers join me to assess the situation, and get a few photos! We had great assistance from Sylvie Lafleur, a tenant of the same building. Aside from not being quite sure where she was, Senator looked in good condition and when it was dark, we left her there, going to sleep on Judy's balcony railing....

Our Zanar was flying around at times as usual, in and around the torrential rains and thunder and lightening! The watchers got soaked while our falcons were sheltered on their nest ledge. She has started her flying lessons. Her parents took her over the open space west of the hotel and there were fast passes, hovering and other early lessons. John Ayres who alerted me to the lessons had a spectacular view of all of this!

Many people who were walking to the Hill for Canada Day celebrations stopped by to see our falcons. It has been wonderful to see so many interested citizens of Ottawa! We also appreciate the Citizen's support and coverage of the peregrines which brought more people to find out where our family was living and to watch them on the ledge or flying around.

For those reading the list of past chicklets and their survival or not, it may seem that many have died compared to those surviving. You should give a thought to where the survivors were living at the time of fledging. If all those who survived had been living out in the wild, only 1 would have survived. Jessie was the only one who was never rescued! All others would also have perished as in the wild there are no volunteers to help these little birds to safety! So, in effect, we have made the difference for nearly al falcons who have survived the fledging period in Ottawa! Volunteers really can make a difference!


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